WARNING |100830 12:09:36|Function hash_file not detected processing the 'large'' file /images/stories/audio/act midi.wmv; it will appear as seemingly corrupt in the archive. Only the CRC32 is invalid, though. Please read our forum announcement for explanation of this message. WARNING |100830 12:09:37|Function hash_file not detected processing the 'large'' file /images/stories/audio/berceusounette.mp3; it will appear as seemingly corrupt in the archive. Only the CRC32 is invalid, though. Please read our forum announcement for explanation of this message. WARNING |100830 12:09:48|Function hash_file not detected processing the 'large'' file /images/stories/videos/les chevals.flv; it will appear as seemingly corrupt in the archive. Only the CRC32 is invalid, though. Please read our forum announcement for explanation of this message. WARNING |100830 12:09:48|Function hash_file not detected processing the 'large'' file /images/stories/videos/Athle Dreux.wmv; it will appear as seemingly corrupt in the archive. Only the CRC32 is invalid, though. Please read our forum announcement for explanation of this message. WARNING |100830 12:09:51|Function hash_file not detected processing the 'large'' file /images/stories/college/visite college.pps; it will appear as seemingly corrupt in the archive. Only the CRC32 is invalid, though. Please read our forum announcement for explanation of this message. WARNING |100830 12:09:55|Function hash_file not detected processing the 'large'' file /images/autresdocpdf/articles5Angleterre/leeds.pdf; it will appear as seemingly corrupt in the archive. Only the CRC32 is invalid, though. Please read our forum announcement for explanation of this message.